Setup BOM Expenses

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bullet01 Setup Bill of Material expenses is used to mention the additional expenses that take place in the production. Follow the steps mentioned below to setup BOM expenses:


Setup BOM Raw Material Types > Main Menu > Production > Production Setups > Setup BOM Expenses


Toggle Icon Minus 17Main Menu


setup bom expenses


Fig 1. Main Menu




bullet-arrow2 Create

bullet-arrow2 Delete


Create an Expense

In order to create an expense follow the steps mentioned below:


1) Enter the Expense Name Manually and Hit enter

2) Expense Type: Hit the space bar to select Expense Type. There are two types of Expenses:

   a) Per Unit Wise: If you select Expense type to Per Unit Wise, next field i.e. Expense/ Unit will be enabled.

   b) Percent Wise: If you expense Type is Percent  Wise, you can't specify Expense/ Unit.

3) Default Value: Enter the default values Manually. It is an optional column to be specified.

4) Basic or Cumulative: Select the calculation type whether Basic or Cumulative or any other.

5) Add Or Less: This option is used for addition and subtraction of expense.

Click the Save button or press Alt+S.

Click Close button or press Alt+C in order to exit from the window.

Setup BOM Expenses-1


Fig 2. Create Expenses



To save the data entered by the user, user have to press enter button and the cursor should be on next line in the grid.


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Delete an Expense

If you want to delete any BOM Expense Name follow the steps mentioned below:

1) Select the Expense you want to delete.

2) Click on the Cross option from the Toolbar.

3) A message will pop-up on your screen. Select 'Yes'.

4) It will be deleted successfully.


Setup BOM Expenses-2


Fig 3. Delete Expenses


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