Add Multiple Agents in Agent Company/Group Linking

Add Multiple Agents in Agent Company/Group Linking: You can now link multiple agents to Company and Group. This option is available in both Batch Mode and Entry Mode.

Main Menu: Setup> Setup Accounts> Setup Agents> Agent + Company/Group Linking

Agent+Company/ Group Linking form will appear on your screen. Click on Column attributes button. Select Multiple Agents, if you want to define agents for specific company or Group.

Multiple Agents will appear in the grid. Hit space bar and select Agents. Click on ‘OK’ button.

It will appear in the grid as Agents defined after you select it from Column Attributes.

If you have selected multiple agents and then try to define single agent to the company or group, a message will prompt that “Multi Agent entries exists it will clear All Multi Agent entries From Permanently Database..are you sure to continue..” Click Yes if you want to clear all entries and No if you don’t want to.


This option works for both single and multiple agents. However, if you have assigned multi agents once, and then try to assign single agent, it will clear all the multi agent entries.

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