Most Common Questions asked by our Clients
  • What is an ERP Software?

    The full form of ERP is Enterprise Resource Planning. As the name suggests ERP is a suite of software tools which helps businesses manage its various processes seamlessly. These set of software tools integrates the functions of various departments, branches, business units etc. and makes the business works as a single functional unit. It helps in better analysis and gives a bird eye view of the business. ERP Software can help reduce costs and overheads, ensure better communication, remove duplication, bring efficiency in a business.

  • How can an ERP Software help my business?

    ERP Software can help businesses to have greater insight and visibility which helps in better decision-making process. ERP Software can streamline your business processes by removing manual work and integrating all your departments or business units enabling information flow seamlessly. One small example can be an invoice, or a bill generated at retail or branch level will instantly update the inventory of the branch, GST is posted in accounts, CRM is updated, and Head Office is notified of the sale for generation of stock replenishment at the branch etc.

  • How does LOGIC ERP provide License of its ERP Software?

    LOGIC ERP is available as SaaS (Software as a service) on a subscription-based model (Renewed yearly). It is available both on cloud and on-premises for desktops. LOGIC ERP comes with two main product ranges:

  • What are the supported platforms for your software?

    LOGIC ERP is developed in Microsoft .NET technology and is available both as a desktop application and a web application. The desktop version runs on Microsoft Windows only, but the web application must be hosted on a Windows Server but can be accessed by any client OS which supports a browser.

  • Does LOGIC ERP provide any APIs to connect with third-party vendors?

    Yes, LOGIC ERP provides a great set of APIs which can be used to integrate our application with various third-party vendors like e-commerce, shipping, CRM, payments portals, warehouses, or any other custom development required by the client. Both PUSH and PULL APIs are available for nearly all the modules in the ERP and we keep on improving and adding new functionalities to these.

  • How is LOGIC ERP different than its competitors?

    LOGIC ERP provides more value at a lesser cost. The software provided by LOGIC ERP is accurate, reliable, customizable, flexible, consistent, scalable, and faster to implement. We provide a great set of APIs which can be used to integrate the ERP with various third-party vendors for e-commerce, shipping, CRM, payments portals etc. We have a backend team for various support queries through a self-serving ticket portal.

  • How long does the implementation of LOGIC ERP Software take?

    Implementation process at LOGIC ERP is quite fast and we try to complete in minimal of time. The LOGIC Business series range of products come with readymade templates which save a lot of time in this process. The LOGIC Enterprise-Core range of product can take a little bit longer as it is a complex product and requires lots of inputs from the business owners and may require customization. Still our experts still take a lot less time to implement as compared to the competition.

  • What are the currently supported of verticals or businesses by LOGIC ERP?

    LOGIC ERP is used by a wide range of industries. It can be customized and configured for any type of business, but the major verticals LOGIC ERP is currently used in are listed below:


    • Apparel & Footwear
    • FMCG
    • Pharma & Healthcare
    • Electrical & Electronics
    • Lifestyle & Fashion
    • Food & Beverages
    • Wellness & Salon


    • Apparel & Footwear
    • Garments
    • Textiles
    • Pharma & Healthcare
    • FMCG
    • Lifestyle & Fashion
    • Electrical & Electronics
    • Auto-Parts


    • Apparel
    • Footwear
    • Garments
    • Textile
    • FMCG
    • Food & Beverages
    • Electrical & Electronics
    • Auto-Parts
  • Can LOGIC ERP handle Multiple-Branches, Multiple-Stores and Multi-Warehouses?

    Yes, LOGIC ERP software fully supports multiple branches, retail stores, warehouses etc. LOGIC ERP implements both on-line (Single database, real time) and off-line (Scheduled Data Synchronization) system. We have clients running hundreds of stores on both the models.

  • Is LOGIC ERP scalable? How many concurrent users can it support?

    LOGIC ERP is fully scalable and can work in the same way whether it is one user or thousands of users on a single database. Database size supported depends on the operating system and the Microsoft SQL server version deployed. We currently have clients who have hundreds of retail stores, warehouses, branches on a single database used by more than a thousand users.

  • How robust and secure is LOGIC ERP?

    Security, Audit and Logging. LOGIC ERP Software is secure enough to prevent unauthorized access, allows audit of each transaction and can maintain log of each activity in the application.

  • What database engines does LOGIC ERP support?

    LOGIC ERP can be configured to run both on Microsoft SQL Server and Microsoft Access.

  • Does LOGIC ERP allow subscription of individual modules?

    Yes, you can subscribe certain modules of software according to your needs and budget.

  • How can I get a Free Demo of the LOGIC ERP?

    LOGIC ERP provides a free demo both on cloud and on-premises. You can request for a demo at this link https://www.logicerp.com/Demo/RequestDemo.

  • Does LOGIC ERP provide technical support in my local area?

    LOGIC ERP provides online support through our self-serving ticket portal. You can raise your queries using this portal and our team will get in touch with you ASAP.

  • How to raise a support ticket?

    If you need support from our technical team then you can raise a support ticket by logging into my account at https://login.logicerp.com/Login/UserLogin OR you can also post ticket from LOGIC Update Manager if it is installed on your machine. For more info please refer to this link https://www.youtube.com/embed/UfLMUuOWBr0.

  • How is the LOGIC ERP software priced?

    LOGIC ERP is available as SaaS (Software as a service) on a subscription-based model (Renewed yearly). It is available both on cloud and on-premises for desktops. LOGIC ERP comes with two main product ranges:

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