It is said that in the clothing industry, sale success depends upon a retailer’s knowledge of their:
Proactive management of store inventory and activities, and Customer base.
Knowing how the store activities works, helps the retailers to stand a strong foothold in the market. Following are some strategies to help the retailers improve sales in an apparel store:
Understand the buying patterns of your customers
This step requires a retailer to understand and anticipate the variations in selling and purchasing patterns. You can accomplish this task by analyzing the sales and purchase data obtained from an apparel retail software system. Doing so, you will be able to plan inventory more accurately and will get accurate sales forecasting.
Reposition slow-moving items to the clearance section
Most of the customers look into the clearance section of the store to check other collections. And many customers wait for the addition of new items to the clearance section. You can use the ERP software to check the details of slow-moving items or collections, which failed to generate enough sales. The reason could be that customers may not have seen these products before. So, you can reposition such items to the clearance section, which will give a refreshed atmosphere to the store. It will also help you to sell slow-moving items much faster.
Manage inventory plans
You should be up-to-date regarding your sales growth and items details such as:
No. of items sold-out
Items needed to restock
Fast-selling items
Items color, size, type, etc.
Having such information will help you to manage and keep in check the inventory levels of your store. You can easily adjust your purchasing plans with AFS ERP software that comes with an inventory management system.
Receive Customer Feedback
You can improve the trust level of your customers by giving them a chance to provide feedback. When the customer walks into the store, you can provide them QR scan code or provide them a link to generate feedback on the receipt while generating the bill. This way, the customers will know that they get heard by the companies they buy from. LOGIC offers a feedback management system with which, you can give an option to your customer to provide you their feedback regarding shopping experience, item quality, etc. This way, you can build and empower the trust between you and your customers.
Training the employees
It is important to train the employees regarding both:
The items and collections available, and
The working of tools and software implemented in store
The person using LOGIC retail POS software should have adequate knowledge about its working. It directly affects the customer’s shopping experience, which can eventually improve sales rates for your business. Staff management is challenging in a retail store, but by providing them tools and software training, you can improve their performance. It will be an investment in the overall performance of your business.
Starting Customer Loyalty Programs
Regular customers are the foundation of success for many clothing stores. You can implement a reward system or customer loyalty programs to provide your new or existing customers with coupons to use with a future purchase. This way, you can gain a competitive edge in the apparel industry. LOGIC ERP software offers functionality to manage discount offers, loyalty programs to improve the shopping experience of customers.
Managing Customer data appropriately
Since the General Data Protection Regulation went into effect, people have become well aware of the rights regarding their data. Also, retailers have realized that assuring customer’s data security is vital to gain trust and loyalty of their customers. ERP software enables you to store user information in a secure environment, which you can use on various occasions. For example, you can use customer’s data on special occasions like birthdays, send them discount offers, or thank you messages when they make big purchases at your store. But make sure to avoid spamming their email inboxes.
Some retailers own multiple apparel retail stores. It becomes very difficult to manage if they are not connected under a single platform. The LOGIC fashion ERP software enables you to connect you with multiple branches so that it would be easy for you to handle multi-store retail business. The inventory management will be easy, and you can refer your customer to the next store location or request item delivery from another branch by checking inventory details of other branches.