A POS System is the backbone of the whole backend operation of the business within one system. It is a vital component that integrates multiple departments into a single system that helps in speeding up the whole process.
The use of a traditional point-of-sale system was to capture billing, inventory, and payment details. They were not meant to change according to the rapidly changing business environments. The traditional POS system was incapable of addressing evolving dynamics and complexities such as:
- Competing with global giants
- Multiple Receipt & payment systems like UPI payments, Cash, Credit/Debit cards, IMPS receipts etc.
- Getting a real-time view of inventory level
- Capturing customer payment details in real-time etc.
The Touchless POS System by Logic ERP helps in capturing data in terms of customer details, payment modes & terms, sales, purchase, items sold and purchased, customer feedback, agent sales data etc. All this data gets stored at a secure location which you can use for cognitive data analysis to make better business decisions. You can analyze customer and supplier behavior patterns, engagement rate, product line, favorable payment modes, and much more that benefit your business in terms of profitability.
The Cloud-Based POS System by Logic ERP integrates the complete backend operation of your business within one system. It helps in capturing data in real-time such as:
- Sale/Purchase Order
- Customer Details
- Employee Details
- Delivery Schedule
- Billing & Payment Modes
- Inventory Flow
- Refunds & Returns etc..
With the help of customizable reporting, you can use this data to find out the best product mix, discount that you can offer, seasonal business behavior, performance history, combos, schemes etc. It will lead to better inventory management also.
You can eliminate the inefficiencies that occur in a business in terms of employee management, customer handling process etc. by implementing a POS system. It can also measure key performance metrics of employees, resources, market behavior and staff. The employee dependency in terms of managing business, data and crucial business processes will get eliminated. Also, you can identify unnecessary resources and manage the ideal resources efficiently and profitably. It will lead to better productivity, a strengthened workforce and the streamlining of business operations.
The Logic ERP Cloud-Based Solution also helps in saving the heavy infrastructure cost and you don’t have to worry about data loss. The age of digitalization has already started and you surely don’t want to lag in this competition. Contact us to know more.