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LOGIC added New features to display Free Items & Discount % in Purchase Voucher & Sale Bill

LOGIC always aim at providing better ERP services by doing regular updates in the software. This time, a major update done in the software to display free items or discount percentage in the purchase bill. The scheme percentage is dependent upon item name and lot number value.

Up until now, the customers were not able to identify how many free units or scheme percentage applied to the items in the purchase bill. But now, with “Free Scheme (%) As” feature, you can set the scheme type as per your requirement.

With the help of this feature, you can easily identify the scheme percentage applied on a particular item, and how many free units are there in the bill.

Click here to know more about “Free Scheme (%) As” feature in detail.

This feature will have its effect on Sale Bill also. A new feature has been introduced in Sale Voucher Configuration to display free items or discount percentage, which will automatically fetch the details from Purchase Bill. With “Lot Free Scheme As” feature addition in Setup Sale “Configuration”, you can easily display the discount % and free units (added in Purchase Bill) for the items in the Sale Bill. It will be Batch wise or Lot wise.

Since the Free Units will automatically get updated, the user will not have to worry about any error occurrences in billing. This way, LOGIC has helped businesses to improve their billing processes.

Click here to know more about “Lot Free Scheme As” feature in detail.